CREDIT TO : Ah shin @ Super Junior Live In Malaysia FB Even
CREDIT TO : Ah shin @ Super Junior Live In Malaysia FB Even
6 komentar:
huaaa... pengenny suju bilang gitu ke ELF indo T.T
wkwkwk .. lee teuk pengucapannya lucu ^^
jadi terharu,,
teukie oppa.....
blg gtu dunk ke ELF Indo....
hikz hikz....
teukie oppa pinter bgdh,,arabic bs,,,b.indo jg bs,,yaahh...meskipun blgx bkn bwt elf indo sih....
salut dah bwt teukie oppa....
teukie oppa lucu banget...
kyu hyun juga lucu. hehehehe....
Oppa, mampir bentar lah ke indo. deket kan... *ngarep*
yang bhasa korea tu apa artinya ??? g ngertii hhihi
oppa siwon lebii lucu hhehe
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